Configure TLS for Redpanda in Kubernetes

Redpanda clusters use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure internal and external communication. TLS is enabled globally by default for all listeners, using self-signed certificates managed by cert-manager. This topic provides guidance on configuring TLS with or without cert-manager, covering the use of self-signed certificates as well as Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.

Use cert-manager to manage TLS certificates

When using cert-manager for TLS certificate management, you have the option to use a self-signed certificate or a CA certificate. The following sections provide detailed instructions for each option.

Ensure you have cert-manager installed.

Use a self-signed certificate

A self-signed certificate is signed with its own private key, instead of a public or private certificate authority (CA). The following steps provide the required configurations and commands for setting up self-signed certificates in your Redpanda cluster:

  1. If you have disabled TLS, enable it:

    • --values

    • --set

      enabled: true
    helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace \
      --values self-signed-tls.yaml --reuse-values
    helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda -n redpanda --create-namespace \
      --set tls.enabled=true

    For default values and documentation for configuration options, see the values.yaml file.

  2. Make sure the Certificates are in a READY state.

    kubectl get certificate -n redpanda
    NAME                                 READY   SECRET                               AGE
    redpanda-default-cert                True    redpanda-default-cert                10m
    redpanda-default-root-certificate    True    redpanda-default-root-certificate    10m

Test internal connections

Your self-signed certificate’s SAN list includes the internal addresses of the ClusterIP Service. As such, you can use rpk within the Redpanda container to securely communicate with the cluster internally using the self-signed certificate for encryption.

You can validate your internal connection to Redpanda with rpk by executing the following command:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -n redpanda -c redpanda -- rpk cluster info \
  --tls-enabled \
  --brokers <broker-url>:<kafka-api-port>\
  --tls-truststore <path-to-ca-certificate>

Example output:


ID    HOST                                             PORT
0*    redpanda-0.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093
1     redpanda-1.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093
2     redpanda-2.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093

Test external connections

To test external connections, you must enable external access using a custom domain. The SAN list of your self-signed certificate does not contain the IP addresses of your worker nodes, but when you enable external access using a custom domain, that domain is included in the SAN list. Then, you can use rpk on your local machine to communicate with the cluster externally using the self-signed certificate for encryption.

  1. Configure external access to your Redpanda cluster using a custom domain.

    Your Redpanda brokers should advertise addresses in your custom domain.
  2. Install rpk on your local machine, not on a Pod:

    • Linux

    • macOS

    1. Download the rpk archive for Linux, and make sure the version matches your Redpanda version.

      • To download the latest version of rpk:

        curl -LO \
      • To download a version other than the latest:

        curl -LO \<version>/
    2. Ensure that you have the folder ~/.local/bin:

      mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
    3. Add it to your $PATH:

      export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"
    4. Unzip the rpk files to your ~/.local/bin/ directory:

      unzip -d ~/.local/bin/
    5. Run rpk version to display the version of the rpk binary:

      rpk version
      23.1.13 (rev 9eefb907c)
    1. If you don’t have Homebrew installed, install it.

    2. Install rpk:

      brew install redpanda-data/tap/redpanda
    3. Run rpk version to display the version of the rpk binary:

      rpk version
      23.1.13 (rev 9eefb907c)
      This method installs the latest version of rpk, which is supported only with the latest version of Redpanda.
  3. Save the root certificate authority (CA) to your local file system outside Kubernetes:

    kubectl -n redpanda get secret redpanda-default-root-certificate -o go-template='{{ index .data "ca.crt" | base64decode }}' > ca.crt
  4. Pass the root CA to rpk to validate your external connection to Redpanda.

    Replace the following placeholders:

    • <subdomain>: The subdomain that’s in the advertised address of one of your Redpanda brokers.

    • <custom-domain>: Your domain.

    • <external-port>: The port on which your cluster is exposed.

      rpk cluster info \
        --brokers <subdomain>.<custom-domain>:<external-kafka-api-port> \
        --tls-truststore ca.crt

Use a public CA certificate

Certificates from a public certificate authority (CA) are trusted by default. You can configure the Helm chart to use an Issuer or ClusterIssuer custom resource to generate publicly trusted Certificates. These custom resources are managed by cert-manager.

The Issuer or ClusterIssuer specifies the CA that will be used when generating certificates. If an ACME server such as Let’s Encrypt is chosen as the CA, cert-manager will automatically handle the required HTTP01 or DNS01 ACME challenges to issue certificates.

  1. Create an Issuer in the same namespace as your Redpanda cluster, or create a ClusterIssuer in any namespace. For details, see the cert-manager documentation.

  2. Configure the Helm chart with your Issuer or ClusterIssuer.

    Replace the following placeholders:

    • <issuer-name>: The name of your Issuer or ClusterIssuer resource.

    • <issuer>: Issuer or ClusterIssuer.

    • <custom-domain>: Your domain.

      • --values

      • --set

        enabled: true
              name: <issuer-name>
              kind: <issuer>
            caEnabled: false
        domain: <custom-domain>
      helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace \
        --values ca-tls.yaml --reuse-values
      helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda -n redpanda --create-namespace \
        --set tls.enabled=true \
        --set<issuer-name> \
        --set tls.certs.default.issuerRef.kind=<issuer> \
        --set tls.certs.default.caEnabled=false \
        --set external.domain=<custom-domain>

      For default values and documentation for configuration options, see the values.yaml file.

  3. Make sure the Certificates are in a READY state.

    kubectl get certificate -n redpanda
    NAME                                 READY   SECRET                               AGE
    redpanda-default-cert                True    redpanda-default-cert                10m
    redpanda-default-root-certificate    True    redpanda-default-root-certificate    10m

Test internal connections

The SAN list of your CA certificate includes only your custom domains and subdomains. You can use rpk inside the redpanda container to communicate with the cluster internally using your domain as the address.

Validate your internal connection to Redpanda with rpk:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -n redpanda -c redpanda -- rpk cluster info --brokers <subdomain>.<custom-domain>:<kafka-api-port>

Example output:


ID    HOST                                             PORT
0*    redpanda-0.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093
1     redpanda-1.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093
2     redpanda-2.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local.  9093

Test external connections

Validate your external connection to Redpanda with rpk:

Replace the following placeholders:

  • <subdomain>: The subdomain that’s in the advertised address of one of your Redpanda brokers.

  • <custom-domain>: Your domain.

  • <external-port>: The port on which your cluster’s Kafka API is exposed.

rpk cluster info --brokers <subdomain>.<custom-domain>:<external-port>

Use Secrets to manage TLS certificates without cert-manager

If you prefer not to use cert-manager for TLS certificate management, you can manage your TLS configurations using Kubernetes Secrets. The following steps outline how to configure TLS with Secrets:

  1. Create a Kubernetes Secret that contains your TLS certificates.

    • To create a Secret that includes your tls.crt and tls.key files:

      kubectl create secret tls <secret-name> \
        --cert=<path>tls.crt \
        --key=<path>tls.key \
        -n redpanda
    • To include the ca.crt file, you must create a generic secret:

      kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> \
        --from-file=<path>tls.crt \
        --from-file=<path>tls.key \
        --from-file=<path>ca.crt \
        -n redpanda
      When using certificates issued by public certificate authorities (CAs), you don’t need to provide the ca.crt file in the Secret. Public CAs are already trusted by default in most systems and web browsers. The trust chain is built into the operating system or web browser, which includes the root certificates of well-known CAs.

      Replace the <path> placeholders with the paths to your certificate files.

      For an example of creating the TLS certificates, see the GitHub repository.
  2. Update your Redpanda Helm configuration to use the Secret:

    • --values

    • --set

      enabled: true
            name: <secret-name>

    If you are using a private CA, set caEnabled to true.

      enabled: true
            name: <secret-name>
          caEnabled: true
    helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace \
      --values tls-secret.yml --reuse-values
    helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda -n redpanda --create-namespace \
      --set tls.enabled=true \

    If you are using a private CA, set caEnabled to true.

    helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda -n redpanda --create-namespace \
      --set tls.enabled=true \
      --set<secret-name> \
      --set tls.certs.default.caEnabled=true

Test internal connections

You can validate your internal connection to Redpanda with rpk by executing the following command.

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -n redpanda -c redpanda -- rpk cluster info \
  --tls-enabled \
  --brokers <broker-url>:<kafka-api-port>

If you are using a private CA, include the path to your CA certificate in the --tls-truststore option.

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -n redpanda -c redpanda -- rpk cluster info \
  --tls-enabled \
  --brokers <broker-url>:<kafka-api-port> \
  --tls-truststore <path-to-ca-certificate>

Test external connections

To test external connections, you need to enable external access using a custom domain. You can use rpk on your local machine to communicate with the cluster externally using the TLS certificates for encryption.

rpk cluster info \
  --brokers <subdomain>.<custom-domain>:<external-kafka-api-port>

If you are using a private CA, include the path to your CA certificate in the --tls-truststore option.

rpk cluster info \
  --brokers <subdomain>.<custom-domain>:<external-kafka-api-port> \
  --tls-truststore <path-to-ca-certificate>

Use multiple certificates for different listeners

The Redpanda cluster provides granular control over the TLS certificates used by different listeners. This level of flexibility enables you to ensure the required level of security for each listener. For example, you can use a self-signed certificate for the internal RPC listener, while using a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate for other listeners such as the Kafka API.

By default, all listeners in Redpanda use the self-signed certificate defined globally in the tls.certs.default configuration. To customize the certificates for each listener, you can edit the listeners.<listener-name>.tls.cert setting.

If you don’t want to generate the self-signed certificate, set tls.certs.default to null.

Here’s an example that configures two certificates: public-ca-cert and private-ca-cert. The public-ca-cert certificate is configured with an Issuer managed by cert-manager, while the private-ca-cert certificate is configured with a generic Secret containing the tls.crt, tls.key, and ca.crt files.

The Admin API listener is configured with the public-ca-cert certificate, the Kafka API listener is configured with the private-ca-cert certificate, and the other listeners are configured with the default self-signed certificate.

  enabled: true
        name: <issuer-name>
        kind: Issuer
      caEnabled: false
        name: <secret-name>
      caEnabled: true
      caEnabled: true
      cert: public-ca-cert
      cert: private-ca-cert
      cert: default
      cert: default
      cert: default

Disable TLS

If you disable TLS, Redpanda communicates over a plain-text network connection, where any malicious party can see all communication.

To disable TLS, set tls.enabled to false:

  • --values

  • --set

  enabled: false
helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace \
  --values no-tls.yaml --reuse-values
helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda -n redpanda --create-namespace \
  --set tls.enabled=false


Here are some common troubleshooting scenarios and their solutions:

invalid large response size

This error appears when you don’t specify that you are connecting over TLS. For example:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -n redpanda -- rpk cluster info \
  --brokers <subdomain>.<domain>:<external-kafka-api-port>


unable to request metadata: invalid large response size 352518912 > limit 104857600; the first three bytes received appear to be a tls alert record for TLS v1.2; is this a plaintext connection speaking to a tls endpoint?


Make sure to add the --tls-enabled option:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -n redpanda -- rpk cluster info --brokers <subdomain>.<domain>:<external-kafka-api-port> --tls-enabled

i/o timeout

This error appears when your worker nodes are unreachable through the given address.


Check the following:

  • The address and port are correct.

  • Your DNS records point to addresses that resolve to your worker nodes.

cannot validate certificate for

This error appears if you are using a CA certificate when you try to establish an internal connection using localhost. For example:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -n redpanda -- rpk cluster info --tls-enabled


unable to request metadata: unable to dial: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs


You must specify the public domain:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -n redpanda -- rpk cluster info --brokers <subdomain>.<domain>:<external-port> --tls-enabled

x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

This error appears when the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed your certificates is not trusted by your system.


Check the following:

  • Make sure you have installed the Root CA certificate correctly on your local system.

  • If using a self-signed certificate, ensure it is properly configured and included in your system’s trust store.

  • If you are using a certificate issued by a CA, make sure the issuing CA is included in your system’s trust store.

  • If you are using cert-manager, ensure it is correctly configured and running properly.

  • Check the validity of your certificates. They might have expired.

x509: certificate is not valid for any names

This error indicates that the certificate you are using is not valid for the specific domain or IP address you are trying to use it with. This error typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the certificate’s Subject Alternative Name (SAN) or Common Name (CN) field and the name being used to access the broker.

To resolve this issue, you may need to obtain a new certificate that is valid for the specific domain or IP address you are using. Ensure that the certificate’s SAN or CN entry matches the name being used, and make sure the certificate is not expired or revoked.

Next steps

Add client authentication by combining TLS encryption with SASL authentication.