rpk acl delete

Delete ACLs.

See the rpk acl help text for a full write up on ACLs. Delete flags work in a similar multiplying effect as creating ACLs, but delete is more advanced: deletion works on a filter basis. Any unspecified flag defaults to matching everything (all operations, or all allowed principals, etc). To ensure that you do not accidentally delete more than you intend, this command prints everything that matches your input filters and prompts for a confirmation before the delete request is issued. Anything matching more than 10 ACLs doubly confirms.

As mentioned, not specifying flags matches everything. If no resources are specified, all resources are matched. If no operations are specified, all operations are matched. You can also opt in to matching everything with "any": --operation any matches any operation.

The --resource-pattern-type, defaulting to "any", configures how to filter resource names:

  • "any" returns exact name matches of either prefixed or literal pattern type

  • "match" returns wildcard matches, prefix patterns that match your input, and literal matches

  • "prefix" returns prefix patterns that match your input (prefix "fo" matches "foo")

  • "literal" returns exact name matches


rpk acl delete [flags]


Value Type Description



Allowed host ACLs to remove (repeatable).



Allowed principal ACLs to remove (repeatable).



Whether to remove ACLs to the cluster.



Denied host ACLs to remove (repeatable).



Denied principal ACLs to remove (repeatable).

-d, --dry


Dry run: validate what would be deleted.



Group to remove ACLs for (repeatable).

-h, --help


Help for delete.



Disable confirmation prompt.



Operation to remove (repeatable).

-f, --print-filters


Print the filters that were requested (failed filters are always printed).



Pattern to use when matching resource names (any, match, literal, or prefixed) (default "any").



Topic to remove ACLs for (repeatable).



Transactional IDs to remove ACLs for (repeatable).



Redpanda or rpk config file; default search paths are ~/.config/rpk/rpk.yaml, $PWD, and /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml.

-X, --config-opt


Override rpk configuration settings; '-X help' for detail or '-X list' for terser detail.



rpk profile to use.

-v, --verbose


Enable verbose logging.