rpk connect blobl server

Run a web server that provides an interactive application for writing and testing Bloblang mappings.


rpk connect blobl server [command options] [arguments...]


Value Type Description



The host to bind to (default: "localhost").

--port, -p


The port to bind to (default: "4195").

--no-open, -n


Do not open the app in the browser automatically (default: false).

--mapping-file, -m


An optional path to a mapping file to load as the initial mapping within the app.

--input-file, -i


An optional path to an input file to load as the initial input to the mapping within the app.

--write, -w


When editing a mapping or input file, write changes made back to the respective source file. If the file does not exist, it is created (default: false).

--help, -h


When editing a mapping or input file, write changes made back to the respective source file. If the file does not exist, it is created (default: false).