Docs Connect Components Outputs nanomsg nanomsg Type: OutputInput Send messages over a Nanomsg socket. # Config fields, showing default values output: label: "" nanomsg: urls: [] # No default (required) bind: false socket_type: PUSH poll_timeout: 5s max_in_flight: 64 Currently only PUSH and PUB sockets are supported. Performance This output benefits from sending multiple messages in flight in parallel for improved performance. You can tune the max number of in flight messages (or message batches) with the field max_in_flight. Fields urls A list of URLs to connect to. If an item of the list contains commas it will be expanded into multiple URLs. Type: array bind Whether the URLs listed should be bind (otherwise they are connected to). Type: bool Default: false socket_type The socket type to send with. Type: string Default: "PUSH" Options: PUSH , PUB . poll_timeout The maximum period of time to wait for a message to send before the request is abandoned and reattempted. Type: string Default: "5s" max_in_flight The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this to improve throughput. Type: int Default: 64 Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution mqtt nats