Docs Connect Components Processors branch branch The branch processor allows you to create a new request message via a Bloblang mapping, execute a list of processors on the request messages, and, finally, map the result back into the source message using another mapping. # Config fields, showing default values label: "" branch: request_map: "" processors: [] # No default (required) result_map: "" This is useful for preserving the original message contents when using processors that would otherwise replace the entire contents. Metadata Metadata fields that are added to messages during branch processing will not be automatically copied into the resulting message. In order to do this you should explicitly declare in your result_map either a wholesale copy with meta = metadata(), or selective copies with meta foo = metadata("bar") and so on. It is also possible to reference the metadata of the origin message in the result_map using the @ operator. Error handling If the request_map fails the child processors will not be executed. If the child processors themselves result in an (uncaught) error then the result_map will not be executed. If the result_map fails the message will remain unchanged. Under any of these conditions standard error handling methods can be used in order to filter, DLQ or recover the failed messages. Conditional branching If the root of your request map is set to deleted() then the branch processors are skipped for the given message, this allows you to conditionally branch messages. Fields request_map A Bloblang mapping that describes how to create a request payload suitable for the child processors of this branch. If left empty then the branch will begin with an exact copy of the origin message (including metadata). Type: string Default: "" # Examples request_map: |- root = { "id":, "content": this.doc.body.text } request_map: |- root = if this.type == "foo" { } else { deleted() } processors A list of processors to apply to mapped requests. When processing message batches the resulting batch must match the size and ordering of the input batch, therefore filtering, grouping should not be performed within these processors. Type: array result_map A Bloblang mapping that describes how the resulting messages from branched processing should be mapped back into the original payload. If left empty the origin message will remain unchanged (including metadata). Type: string Default: "" # Examples result_map: |- meta foo_code = metadata("code") root.foo_result = this result_map: |- meta = metadata() = this.body = result_map: root.raw_result = content().string() result_map: |- = if metadata("request_failed") != null { throw(metadata("request_failed")) } else { this } result_map: |- # Retain only the updated metadata fields which were present in the origin message meta = metadata().filter(v -> @.get(v.key) != null) Examples HTTP Request Non Structured Results Lambda Function Conditional Caching This example strips the request message into an empty body, grabs an HTTP payload, and places the result back into the original message at the path image.pull_count: pipeline: processors: - branch: request_map: 'root = ""' processors: - http: url: verb: GET headers: Content-Type: application/json result_map: root.image.pull_count = this.pull_count # Example input: {"id":"foo","some":"pre-existing data"} # Example output: {"id":"foo","some":"pre-existing data","image":{"pull_count":1234}} When the result of your branch processors is unstructured and you wish to simply set a resulting field to the raw output use the content function to obtain the raw bytes of the resulting message and then coerce it into your value type of choice: pipeline: processors: - branch: request_map: 'root =' processors: - cache: resource: descriptions_cache key: ${! content() } operator: get result_map: root.document.description = content().string() # Example input: {"document":{"id":"foo","content":"hello world"}} # Example output: {"document":{"id":"foo","content":"hello world","description":"this is a cool doc"}} This example maps a new payload for triggering a lambda function with an ID and username from the original message, and the result of the lambda is discarded, meaning the original message is unchanged. pipeline: processors: - branch: request_map: '{"id","username"}' processors: - aws_lambda: function: trigger_user_update # Example input: {"doc":{"id":"foo","body":"hello world"},"user":{"name":"fooey"}} # Output matches the input, which is unchanged This example caches a document by a message ID only when the type of the document is a foo: pipeline: processors: - branch: request_map: | meta id = root = if this.type == "foo" { this.document } else { deleted() } processors: - cache: resource: TODO operator: set key: ${! @id } value: ${! content() } Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. 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