Create a Topic

After you create a cluster, you can create a topic for that cluster.

  1. From the Home page, select the cluster you want to use for creating a topic.

  2. From the navigation menu, select Topics.

    The Topics page displays the current list of topics.

  3. Click Create Topic.

  4. In Topic Name, type a name for your topic.

  5. (Optional) Fill in the following fields to overwrite the default settings. Defaults are populated from information stored in the broker.

    Property Description


    The number of partitions for the topic.

    Replication Factor

    The number of partition replicas for the topic. Three replicas are recommended.

    Min In-sync Replicas

    The minimum number of partition replicas that must be kept in sync with the leader partition. This number must be equal to or less than the number of replicas.

    Cleanup Policy

    The policy that determines how to clean up old log segments. The choices are delete and compact. The default is delete.

    Retention Time (ms)

    The maximum length of time to keep messages in a topic.

    Retention Size (Bytes)

    The maximum size of each partition. If a partition reaches this size and more messages are added, the oldest messages are deleted.

  6. (Optional) Under Additional Configuration, add more topic properties.

    Redpanda supports all Apache Kafka topic configuration properties and all Redpanda-specific topic configuration properties.

  7. Click Create.

  8. In the success dialog, click Close.

The Topics page adds the topic you created to the list of topics.